Private area for all your clients' operations

Alquitek allows you to provide access to each client so they can view the status of their properties

A dozen available actions, property registration, suggest changes, deliver documents, pay via POS

Access available in 5 languages

You issue access from Alquitek, the system will create a password for you.

Send an email with direct access to the private area with a single click.

Essential tool for owners with multiple properties under your management.

An owner can request to add or alter information about their properties.

Know at all times who and when accesses.

Área privada login
Área privada inmueble

Private area for owners

The owners of your property portfolio can view the status of their properties, their visits, the portals where they are published, and other statistics.

Additionally, they can provide you with additional documentation of the property and see the documents you share with them.

You can schedule the automatic sending of a summary of the actions carried out on their properties.

Private area for tenants

Your clients can edit and create new interests and receive your newly captured properties

They will access the data of their assigned salespeople

Manage the reservations of your temporary rental properties

If they have made a reservation for a temporary rental property, they can find all the reservation information in this panel

You can configure Alquitek to receive invoice payments via POS

They can download their reservations, contracts, and invoices with a single click

Area privada documentos

Fully configurable panel in Alquitek

Your clients can register and modify their property demands.

They will access a calendar with upcoming visits.

Your clients can submit documents digitally; once accepted, they cannot delete them.

Access for your clients to download their contracts and invoices.

All information about their properties for an excellent experience.